Campaign Update: Here’s what we’ve been up to.

I’ve been out in Fort Lauderdale meeting with voters, and, just like me, they see the upcoming election as an important moment for our city. The campaign is well on its way, and I’m so honored to have all of your support as I move ahead.
Recently, I attended the National Night Out, an evening dedicated to fostering community bonds and enhancing public safety. I also visited a forum with Residents for Resilience, a local group making waves by advocating for a sustainable future, clean drinking water, flood mitigation, coastal resilience, and waterway restoration. It’s clear that this is a really exciting time to be living in Fort Lauderdale.
Already, the job market is booming, we’re making moves to update our city-owned seawalls to protect our city from climate-related changes, and we’re launching a new initiative to tackle the challenges of homelessness. We have big jobs ahead and great plans in place to get them done.
Thank you for everything!